August 15, 2024 Garden in a Rainforest

I love designing gardens - and it’s not just about the gardens and plants, it’s the connections that are made with the owners in the process that make it special. People intrigue me, and to design their garden well we have to know who we are designing for - because essentially it’s not my garden, it’s

December 3, 2016 Valley Garden

Steve from Shakkei Landscaping has been working on this project from a few years ago when we completed the design, and the Shakkei team are still maintaining the garden. As anyone who has read my book Disobedient Gardens knows, there is nothing I enjoy as much as seeing one of `our'  gardens develop. When I was

October 18, 2016 Waterside success

Last Friday Mark and I had a delivery to do; a garden to fill with plants before a weekend party guests. And within one minute of the delivery we had two other gardens to call in at (busy morning). This particular garden has been planted for less than a year and is growing at a

October 1, 2016 Lush

Selling a house is always traumatic. A few months ago a friend sold the home they had lived in for many years. Before the opportunity had passed I thought I should ask Brigid to photograph it. As it turns out the new owners love the garden so much they have called me to help them out. So