Another Morning in Paradise
This morning feels like a holiday. Late getting out of bed (6am is late for me) and after feeding dogs, chickens and horses a slow walk around the garden to check out what’s happening. The grass is long – too long, but Cathy will get to that later this morning or tomorrow. The garden is at it’s summer zenith and on one hand I feel slightly dazed by the amount of work the abundant rampant growth represents, and on the other it’s just another summer and I know I will get through it when the weather cools down. Today Cathy and I are going to Catalinas restaurant. This outing is our Christmas gift from our son Nathan, a far cry from the slippers fashioned from old shoeboxes he once gave when he was young – happily like the garden he is getting better with age.
I feel the abundance when I walk in the orchard and the pomegranate is weighted down with heavy fruit, the little round Courgettes in the vegetable garden are ready to pick and these were grown from seed sent to me from a friend whom lives in France. The fennel is heavy in golden flower and the seeds are ripening and yesterday when it was hot the air was heavy with it’s aniseed scent.
There’s a brightness to the garden. Brilliant coloured flowers abound. Summer is a show-off.
Time for another espresso…