Summer Heat
Yesterday the temperature soured to around 44 degrees here. Late afternoon when we headed off in the car to meet friends for dinner the car temperature gauge said 48, which was extraordinarily unpleasant. The heat was no surprise the weather bureau had warned us it was coming and I had the garden watered which as much as anyone can do. This morning I’ve watered the vegetables and nursery, topped up the fishpond which was getting low and watered the potted herbs. I’ve already been for two swims in the pool and it’s not 8.30. The lilies have been really wonderful again this year – that is before this extreme heat. L. `Black Beauty’ doesn’t look like this anymore ( I took this image the day before the heat), it’s burnt, withered petals now look sad and defeated – oh well that’s gardening and there’s always next year…

Lilium Black Beauty
More lilies are in bloom too. There’s my favourite tiger lilies

Lilium lancifolium

Lilium lancifolium Flore Pleno
and one I’m not so enamoured with which is the double flowering tiger lily which gets another years reprieve until I’m sure I don’t like it and ready to replace it